Archive for September, 2012

Ain’t I A Woman?

Sojourner Truth


The Black abolitionist Soujourner Truth was freed from slavery in 1827.  She spoke to a gathering of feminists in Akron, Ohio in 1851.  Let’s watch the following video to see what Truth had to say about equal rights.

Book Reviews

Check out our new learning lab library created just for you! Pick out a book and give us the thumbs up or thumbs down. Also, make sure to grab a book mark for your teacher to sign. When you read 7 books you will receive a free meal courtesy of Raising Canes. Mmmmm…chicken 🙂

Scene 4- The Great Debaters

Today we watched scene 4 of The Great Debaters. Mr. Tolson and the Wiley College debate team have a rude awakening when they encounter a lynch mob on the back roads of rural Texas.   We talked about making inferences based on what we know. Melissa asked if the man that was hung in the tree was a black man.  We discussed this and the group concensus was that he was most likely a black man based on the evidence and reasoning from the movie. Mariah won the poster contest today. Yay!! Mariah. You get a free movie ticket and popcorn for tomorrows movie day! Work it 🙂

Scene 3-The Great Debaters


Students create Frayer models to study vocabulary

In scene 3 we find James Farmer, Jr. eaves dropping on Mr. Tolson while he is at a meeting with sharecroppers. When the meeting is suddenly disrupted by local officials who don’t want to see a union form, James finds himself in hot water! Luckily for him, Mr. Tolson pulls him to safety. Although he survives this situation, things take a turn for the worse when his father finds out he has been out all night up to no good.

Literacy Poll


Scene 2-The Great Debaters

In scene 2 we are introduced to one of the major themes in the movie– Racial Inequality.  Here the students learn that there might be more to debate than they anticipated.  Professor Tolson starts “molding” the students into great debaters by building a strong foundation.  It doesn’t take long for them to figure out it’s not going to be easy!  Let’s discuss our reactions to scene 2.